So-Bad Review

Harley Davidson with Chrome Hearts

time 2014.03.14 view 1722 Views
Posted by in Harley Custom

Chrome Hearts1

取り付けをさせて戴きましたChrome Heartsの総額。
それは、おそらく…  Sportster × 2台にはなるかと思います。。。
そんなTwinCam Softail ヘビー級カスタム、本日車両整備の為、引き上げて参りました。
しかし… とんでもないカスタムを造らせて戴いた事を、再度実感致した次第です。

We have installed and received the total sum of Chrome Hearts.
That perhaps… has became part of Sportster × 2 through Japanese yen…
This TwinCam Softail Heavy class custom is for rolling stock maintenance
and will rise the Japanese owner.
This bike had an interview long ago and it was a terrifying aura, as always.
However… I have received and made an unexpected Custom Harley. I realized that again.

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